03 June 2012

Originary Concepts of Classical Indian Art Part II

Rasadhwani –Emotive Resonance or Rapture

A. Srinivas Rao
31st May 2012

Raso vai saha. Rasam hyevayam labdhva anandi bhavati” Yajur Veda, Taittiriya Upanishad 2.7 “For He indeed is Rasa, having obtained which, one attains bliss”.

Padmapani, Ajanta, 450-480CE
Art experience or encounter with an art object is not an intellectual engagement but an intuitive insight, of feeling and resonance with one’s life experience. It is “an experience in being and not in knowing”. In the last essay we examined the direct encounter with an art object through its form rupa which is sensory. The content of the art object artha is revealed not merely by its sensory features but revealed as structural, metaphoric and suggestive meaning through inference and intuition. What has not been discussed is its capacity for resonance with feeling or emotion that is central to art. What we need is an idea that integrates the sensory data and emotive content into an epistemic (knowledge) framework. This framework is provided by Rasa, the subject of this essay.