This article follows up on my previous post “Yuganta” End of an Epoch” for which I received bouquets and brickbats in equal measure with wildly ranging opinions (surprisingly entirely in private) if not considered estimates of the reign of Dr ML Shrikant the former Dean of SP Jain. However I had with my own distance from events and probably prejudice a view of the happenings. Yet not entirely was I aware of the picture from the other side, one of whom I spoke to yesterday, confirming my fears that there seemed something much more than meets the eye. I also write this apologetically and with trepidation at what is an internal matter to the institution. Nor do i delight in being a harbinger of bad news, so shoot not the messenger. However I take shelter in defining the institution not merely as its brick and mortar or function but, like the Church the entire body of the faith wherever they maybe located and thus such privacy is misplaced.